5 best Minecraft servers for farming

April 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Although it can be rather difficult to survive in Minecraft, one thing that can help give players an easy time is efficient farming.

Besides being extremely therapeutic, Minecraft farming can provide players with significant amounts of wealth. This is especially true on Minecraft farming servers, which have been designed around the concept of farming.

Farming servers have quickly become one of the most popular Minecraft servers in recent times, and for a good reason.

Top 5 Minecraft farming servers to play on

Players will find themselves engineering, optimizing, and maintaining their farm on these five great Minecraft farming servers.

5) Cultivate Farming

Server IP Address: play.cultivatemc.com

There are huge farms scattered throughout this server (Image via Reddit)

Cultivate Farming is a farming-focused Minecraft server, even describing itself as the "premier farming survival server." Although a bit less popular than the other farming servers on this list, it's still great fun and perfect for those looking for a tight-knit community-style server.

In terms of gameplay, players can enjoy many farming-related mechanics, including custom items, farming-based quests, mcMMO, jobs (including farming jobs), and much more farming-related fun.

4) Peaceful Farms

Server IP Address: play.peacefulfarms.net

Peaceful Farms is a server dedicated solely to the premise of farming. This laidback server was built from the ground up to encourage farming, with farms acting as the backbone of the server's economy.

The imagination of its players truly only limits farms on this server. It's no exaggeration to say that the farms can be infinite in both size and scale. Furthermore, there exist 30 unique farming-related ranks to work through, which are incredibly detailed and well put together.

3) Peaceful Vanilla Club

Server IP Address: mc.peacefulvanilla.club

Next is Peaceful Vanilla Club, a Minecraft farming server perfect for anyone looking for a relaxing and chilled-out Minecraft experience.

This server is also certified LGBTQ+ friendly and has a very welcoming community. It also has full VR support, meaning Minecraft VR players can also join in on the fun.

2) Mox MC

Server IP Address: moxmc.net

Mox MC is one of the best Minecraft servers to farm (Image via Minecraft Forums)

With many different game modes present, Mox MC is quickly growing to be one of the most popular Minecraft servers for farming. It hosts thousands of players online at all times of the day.

Fans of Minecraft farming will love this server because of its custom farming mechanics and balanced economy. There's also a fully working farmer's stock market, in which players can speculate and trade prices of farmable items like pumpkin seeds, melons, cocoa beans, and much more.

1) Hypixel Skyblock

Server IP Address: hypixel.net

Commonly known as the most popular Minecraft server to ever exist, Hypixel Skyblock has been a massive part of the network's success.

Popularized thanks to a plethora of YouTubers, such as Technoblade, players have come to find Hypixel Skyblock as a fresh take on the classic skyblock server game mode.

Farming is a huge part of this server and an essential element of gameplay on this server. Furthermore, the farming economy is very well balanced but is constantly changing regarding the best new item to farm. Unlike other servers, this means players will have to remain vigilant and continuously adapt to maximize their profits.

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