Player profile and predicted pick position

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Talented Wake Forest 3B and slugger, Brock Wilken has been making headlines in the college baseball scene with his impressive power and strong arm. As the MLB Draft approaches, some reports state Brock Wilkin could be picked 24th this draft. However, some experts are speculating his current College World Series performance will help him be closer to the top.

Wilken’s offensive prowess has been evident throughout his college career. In his freshman year, he set a Wake Forest record with 17 home runs and followed it up with 23 homers as a sophomore. This spring he continued his impressive power display by breaking the school record with 27 home runs.

His ability to generate power from his 6-foot-4 frame, coupled with his bat speed and right-handed stroke, makes him a formidable threat at the plate. While Wilken's strikeout rate increased in 2022 due to struggles with breaking balls, he has shown improvements in making contact this season. He also possesses decent plate discipline, drawing a fair number of walks.

Defensively, Wilken demonstrates solid skills at third base. Despite being a below-average runner, he moves well enough to provide adequate defense at the hot corner. His hands and strong arm have earned high grades from evaluators, making him a natural fit for the third-base position. While he caught in high school, his size makes it unlikely for him to continue as a catcher in professional baseball.

How has Brock Wilken performed in the CWS?

Brock Wilken's performances have continued in crucial games, such as the Winston-Salem Super Regional against Alabama. In that game, he hit three home runs, contributing to Wake Forest's record-breaking nine-home-run performance. Wilken's ability to come through in high-pressure situations and provide significant offensive firepower makes him an enticing prospect for MLB teams.

Given his power potential, defensive skills, and strong college track record, Brock Wilken is projected to be a first-round pick in the MLB Draft. While the exact position is uncertain, his combination of hitting and fielding abilities makes him an attractive option for teams in need of a power-hitting third baseman or a player who can transition to first base.

As the MLB Draft unfolds, it will be fascinating to see which team selects Brock Wilken and how he will continue to develop and refine his skills at the professional level. With his raw power and defensive abilities, he has the potential to make a significant impact in MLB in the coming years.

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