Valkyrae, Fuslie, Myth, and more streamers showcase their Halloween 2022 costumes

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Valkyrae, Fuslie, Myth, and other big streamers recently shared their Halloween costumes on various social media sites. As expected, fans and the streaming community as a whole went gaga over some extraordinary cosplays.

With another All Hallows Eve gone by, fans were stoked to see their favorite streamers dress up for the big night. Since many creators revealed the costumes for their parties and dedicated photoshoots themed around spooky Halloween, expectations were clearly set and met as well-wishes and adoration flooded Twitter and YouTube.

For fans looking for a small guide to this year's streamer costumes, here are some of the top ones from Halloween 2022.

A look at Valkyrae, Pokimane, Myth, and other major streamers' Halloween costumes

Valkyrae and AustinShow's bloody photoshoot

Starting off strong is the vampire duo Valkyrae and AustinShow. Known for her amazing cosplays such as Valorant's Viper, the 100 Thieves owner shined as a vampire hungry for AustinShow's blood. The photoshoot was quite racy and an instant hit with both fans and fellow streamers as it quickly crossed 50K reactions on Twitter within hours of posting them.

Here's how fellow 100 Thieves member Leslie "Fuslie" reacted to the photos:

Fuslie's 70's look

Speaking of Fuslie, here is her look for a party at streamer couple Ludwig and QTCinderella's place, which drew quite some eyeballs as they praised her floral retro look.

With over 30K likes, the post was quite popular among fans, and the host's "Austin Powers" comment was quite apt too.

QTCinderella and Ludwig's Cluedo party

The powercouple hosted a real-life Cluedo-style murder mystery party where a bunch of popular streamers such as HasanAbi, Myth, and others donned some pretty accurate costumes to impersonate iconic characters such as Colonel Mustard and Reverend Green. The hosts, of course, looked fantastic but the other participants were not to be trifled with either.

Here is HasanAbi with his fit from the event.

A Mythical Batman

The recent addition to YouTube Gaming, Myth, took a shot at the Caped Crusader as portrayed by Robert Pattinson in the most recent live-action Batman film.

Complete with eye mascara and a cowl, the steamer looked quite nice. Myth also joked about his costume being better than Travis Scott's Batman from last year that went viral for being brown.

A few more exceptional costumes

100 Thieves Brookeab had quite the cool Sailor Moon costume that garnered a lot of attention on Instagram.

Popular chess player Alexandria Botez also donned a popular costume for Halloween, cosplaying as the DC character Starfire from Teen Titans.

Here is a clip of HasanAbi dancing in his chosen outfit at a Halloween party with Bat-Myth.

At the same party, Vakyrae showed off her Refrigerator costume. Here is the 100 Thieves co-owner showing it off on her YouTube stream:

Embracing the spooky October vibes, Sydeon from OfflineTV decided to do some "Witching" with her Halloween outfit.

Not to be outdone, the stunning OTV couple QuarterJade and Masayoshi went as a demon couple for Halloween, complete with wings and horns.

To the fans' delight, 39Daph posted some very adorable pictures of herself and boyfriend Aceu in bee costumes.

Bonus: Pokimane's D.Va costume

While pictures of Twitch powerhouse Imane "Pokimane" at a Halloween party in full get-up might not have surfaced, her truly astounding D.Va costume from Overwatch was truly a sight to behold. Pokimane revealed the outfit in her Halloween stream where she played Overwatch 2.

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