Who is Linn Grants boyfriend? All you need to know about the LPGA Dana Open winner's relationship

April 2024 · 4 minute read

LPGA Dana Open winner Linn Grant has been dating Swedish golfer Pontus Samuelson for four years.

Pontus, a Limestone University sophomore, is a talented athlete and committed student, who plays golf while majoring in Business Administration/Economics. Like Linn, he has excelled in academics and athletics and has always loved golf.

Linn and Pontus are a golfing power couple, excelling both on and off the course. The couple understand and support each other because of their passion for sports.

How Pontus Samuelson assisted Linn Grant as a caddie

Linn Grant has competed in prominent events such as the Arnold Palmer Cup in recent years, showcasing her prowess in the sport. She found success in 2018 after winning the sectional qualifier for the US Women's Open and performing admirably in the tournament.

The Swede competed in the United States Open, ending in a tie for 57th place. She has also actively played in many Ladies European Tour events, consistently performing well.

During this journey, Pontus has been there for her, serving as a caddie on occasion and providing support from the stands. Pontus notably played a key role in Linn's important triumph at the Scandinavian Mixed Event last June.

Pontus was Linn's caddy until March 2023. During the European Tour's seven-week break, Grant traveled to South Korea to participate in two tournaments. It was during this period that Pontus caddied for Linn Grant for the last time, as he made the difficult decision to prioritize his own career.

Grant had expressed mixed feelings about this development, saying:

“It’s a bit of a mixed feeling. Boring, of course, and not being able to travel together every week and experience everything together. At the same time, it feels fun to take a new step and start working with someone who is already a professional caddie.”

Pontus Samuelson's career as a golfer

Pontus Samuelson excelled in golf as a freshman. He has top 5 and top 10 finishes in six events and 18 rounds. His three-round score of 221 at the Matlock Collegiate Classic placed him in the top 10. He also shot a third-round 71 (-1) in the 2020-21 Argonaut Invitational.

Pontus' 220 (+4) three-round score helped his team finish second at the SAC Championship.

Besides his great collegiate golf career, Pontus won the GCAA Division II PING All-Southeast Region, demonstrating his talent. He also won the South Atlantic Conference Championship medal, proving his mettle.

Pontus's stellar play in 2022 earned him a spot on the South Atlantic Conference All-Tournament Team and the All-South Atlantic Conference Third Team.

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