Conor McGregor is known for trying to get under the skin of his opponents. That is exactly why the Irishman was seen wearing an NBA jersey with C.J. Watson's name on it ahead of his 2017 boxing match against Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather fought each other on August 26, 2017, in a professional boxing match, which was also known as "The Money Fight" and "The Biggest Fight in Combat Sports History". Ahead of the fight, McGregor, known for playing mind games with his opponents, did some thorough research on the undefeated boxer and his family.
Once he had done that, he came up with a truly savage - and what some might even call distasteful - idea to taunt Floyd Mayweather ahead of their fight. McGregor was seen donning Golden State Warriors' NBA jersey with American basketball player C.J. Watson's name on it. What could ever be distasteful about wearing an NBA jersey, right?
Conor McGregor takes a dig at Floyd Mayweather's dark past
Let's take a closer look at the personal life of C.J. Watson and his history with Floyd Mayweather to properly understand what McGregor was trying to do. According to the Judiciary Report, there is a violent history between Mayweather and Watson.
The undefeated boxer's late ex-girlfriend, Josie Harris, was apparently engaging in sexual activities with the former Golden State Warriors point guard. Mayweather happened to read some of their private conversations over text messages that revealed the same.
The nature of the conversation apparently enraged Floyd, who then went on to physically abuse his ex-girlfriend in front of their children. Mayweather was later arrested on charges of domestic violence. Mayweather even served two-months of jail time after pleading guilty to a reduced battery charge.
Conor McGregor saw this as the perfect opportunity to mock Mayweather by reminding him of his dark past. McGregor was criticized by certain sections of people for this somewhat insensitive attempt at trolling someone at the expense of a victim of domestic abuse.
Well, even though Conor McGregor tried to get inside Mayweather's head by sporting a C.J. Watson jersey, he certainly failed to do so. Floyd Mayweather comfortably beat McGregor in their 2017 clash, finishing the Irishman in the 10th round of the 12-round fight.
Check Out: Conor McGregor's Net Worth as of 2021
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